Who am I?

I’m a writer, editor, herbalist, and community organizer who lives next to an orchard in western MA with three cats, some chickens, one extremely fluffy bunny, and my two children. You may have seen my writing in places like the Ploughshares blog, The Baltimore Review, Nimrod, The Night Heron Barks, Underblong, & more. I’m the editor of Nine Syllables Press at Smith College’s Boutelle-Day Poetry Center, and I teach at Smith and online.

What’s the deal?

My goal is to write here biweekly. Everything will go right to your inbox, so no need to come by and check on it. Things I like include: poetry, plants, delicious foods, and creating better systems that actually work for humans. I have training as a professional chef and an herbalist, so I won’t serve you weird rando facts I just found on the internet.

I’m glad you’re here.

Subscribe to Poetry & Other Ways to Piss off Capitalism

Thoughts about poetry, writing, herbalism, cooking, and being humans together. And sometimes cat pics.


Words and stuff.